Rare heavy snowfall on the campus of University College Dublin, February 5th 2009.
Monday, March 9, 2009
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Friday, May 30, 2008
Cabo Vilan, Galicia
Passion Facade, Sagrada Familia, Barcelona

Both images: details from the Passion (west) façade of Anton Gaudi's Sagrada Familia cathedral in Barcelona, Spain. As Wikipedia says: " The Passion façade is especially striking for its spare, gaunt, tormented characters, including emaciated figures of Christ being flogged and on the crucifix. These controversial designs are the work of [late 20th-century Catalan sculptor, Josef Maria] Subirachs". Naturally I've taken a (little) bit of artistic licence in depicting the sculptures, but I've tried to render the poses faithfully.
At the time I was quite struck by the Cubist/Picasso-like form of the sculptures, as well as resemblance to the figures on Scott Sinclair's artwork for Hot Water Music, especially Caution. There's simultaneously something very cool and very expressionate about the geometric figures.
Pen and pencil: 1. June 2006; 2. June 2007.
Photographed in July 2004.
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Wicklow Mountains, Ireland

1. A jagged outcrop of melting ice jutting out over a stream. Sort of influenced by minimalist/expressionist Japanese ink drawings. [October 2006]
2. A frozen stream coming down off the raised peat bog, same part of Wicklow on the same (very cold) day. Pen drawing with pencil underlay (both pictures). [October 2005]
Photographed February 2004.
Dalkey Quarry, Dublin
Place du Sorbonne, Paris

1. Statues above building facade, as seen from street level. Pastels on paper.
2. Statue, detail, in Place du Sorbonne. It is a pigeon's tail on top of the figure's head, and those aren't tears on his face either. Pencil drawing. [February 2007]
3. Detail from building facade, above. Dark pencil on paper. [2007]
Photographed July 2005.